Knowledge Translation Specialist with NCCDH

September 5, 2017

Start date: September 5, 2017

End date: September 21, 2017

St. Francis Xavier University is seeking a Knowledge Translation Specialist to join the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (@NCCDH_CNNDS), one of six National Collaborating Centres for Public Health.
The NCCDH ( focuses on knowledge related to social and economic factors that influence health. The centre assists the public health sector to advance health equity by moving evidence and knowledge into public health practice.
The role of the Knowledge Translation Specialist is to translate evidence and encourage uptake of effective health equity enhancing practices and policies by Canadian public health organizations and practitioners. Ideal candidates will have a Public Health background and be capable of retrieving, assessing and synthesizing complex research findings and knowledge from published and grey literature and practice-based lines of evidence.
The position to be filled is permanent and dependent upon continued receipt of funding. Location of work is Antigonish, N.S. (Alternate work arrangements, including reduced hours and location, may be negotiable.)
A full job posting is available at the StFX Human Resources page. The posting closes on Thursday, September 21.