Board of Directors

Executive Members

Thlina Bandara – President

Thilina is a research officer with the Urban Public Health Network with experience in mixed methods research and knowledge translation. He is interested in understanding the implementation and effects of universal vs. targeted policy approaches in health and social systems, as well as in public and private innovations that work to improve health equity.

Fleur Macqueen Smith – Past-President

Fleur has 20 years of experience working in communications and in population health research and knowledge translation. For ten years, she led knowledge translation in the Healthy Children research program at the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit. In 2011, she was awarded a Knowledge Translation Graduate Award by the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health for her master’s research in knowledge translation and communities of practice, and its application. Her interests include child and youth health and wellbeing, indigenous health, and healthy public policy.

Name – Vice President


Kara Moore - Treasurer

Kara is an RN with her masters in nursing. If she’s not cooking something delicious, you can find her enjoying outdoor activities! Kara is faculty with the School of Nursing at Saskatchewan Polytechnic and has practiced as an RN in the health region for over 10 years. Kara is interested in healthy public policy, education, and leadership; and is passionate about community, health, and wellness. Kara is excited to be a part of the SPHA and encourages everyone to get involved in something they believe in!

Chelsea Belt - Secretary

Directors at Large

Jasmin Ogren - student representative


Shayna Moore

Shayna is a registered nurse in Regina.

Josh Marko

Josh is an epidemiologist with the Saskatchewan Health Authority. 

Zoher Rafid-Hamed


Lauren Ritchie

Lauren has a BSc in Kinesiology, and has recently completed a Master of Public Health degree, both from the University of Saskatchewan, and she will be starting medical school at USask in the fall of 2020. In 2019, she did her MPH practicum analyzing online communications content of indoor tanning retailers for the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency. She is also an accomplished rower and on the board of the Saskatoon Rowing Club. 

Charles Planet

Wanda Martin

  Wanda is Registered Nurse and Associate Professor at the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan. Her research focus is on the social and ecological determinants of health.

Charlene Thompson

Charlene is a Registered Nurse and Assistant Professor at the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan. Charlene was a public health nurse for 20 years and does research focused on mothers and families and immunization.

Colleen Christopherson-Cote

  Colleen is the executive director of the Saskatoon Poverty Reduction Coalition.